Sunday, November 6, 2011

There is Hope!

I am not an incredibly socially suave person.  I'm awkward.  I don't say the right things.  Crowds make me nervous.  I don't like to drink.  I really can't be around cigarette smoke without getting sick.  I can't command the attention of a group of people.  And despite my love for theatre, I consider myself to be incredibly shy.

I'm kind of utterly hopeless.....or so I thought!

But according to this article, my shyness can actually be an asset to a long lasting relationship (that is, when the relationship's not yanked out from under me, but that's a completely different story that will likely never make it's way onto this blog).   It cites a study claiming that shy people are "more likely to stay in a monogamous relationship and are considered to be generally more trustworthy, loyal, relatable and cooperative."  

You want to know something about me?  I'm incredibly low maintenance.  I think some people may mistake that with being passive.  I just don't require that much.  A little love, a little attention, a few swedish fish every now and then and a hug at the end of a long day.  That's really all I require.  I like to give to people and do things for others, not because I expect anything in return, but because it makes me happy.    And once I've found something (or someone) I love, I do whatever I can to keep it.  I would never dream of cheating on my significant other or betraying that trust (actually, I did have a few dreams about cheating on my last boyfriend and always woke up feeling like I was about to vomit).

This study takes what so many see as a negative personality trait and proves that it can actually be an asset.  No, I am not any better at finding love than the social butterfly (in fact, I'm probably worse), but once I find love, I don't take it lightly and don't let it go easily.  I'm sure it has something that do with how hard this break-up has been (and still is) for me.  I the kind of person that will do any and everything I can to hang on to what I love.  And I don't see why that should be a bad thing. 

I am shy! Hear me roar......quietly!


  1. Ha! I did not know you were shy, Emily. But you probably didn't know I am, too. Seriously! I guess we are lively at the theater. :) But in a new situation, around new people, even a new show with a new cast... I am SHY. I sometimes wish i was a bit more outgoing... it would def help with auditions & interviews...haha! Yeah, being shy makes new situations a bit uncomfortable! But that's part of life, i guess!
    But i agree. I'm also very low maintenance & feel like part of the reason brad & i have a great relationship is b/c we are both very low maintenance. He does things for me b/c he loves me & I, for him. We're not demanding our own way all the time, ya know? It's nice.

    Good post! :)

  2. You don't come across as shy at all, Mel! I think when I'm in a show is the only time I'm not really shy. lol. Even when I go see a show I'm pretty shy. For me, I'm most shy at school. A lot of the girls in my major are in sororities so they already came in with friends and groups and it's really intimidating! Some more guts would probably go a long way in that departments.

    Why can't it be socially acceptable to just want to chill at home on a Saturday night in college? Why oh why?! haha

    Thanks for reading and commenting :) I think you're my first commenter! It makes me so happy!!
