Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 7: Something New?

Today's picture bothers me.

I don't have anything particularly new.  And I had a rough weekend.  And a rough Monday.  And I have a test tomorrow.

My head is not fit for blogging.  It's not even fit for thinking.


Ooh! I did change around my schedule for next semester.  So I guess you could say that's now new!

Yeah....let's go with that.

I have a tendency to take on what a lot of people would consider to be a heavy course load at school.  The past three semesters, I've taken 17 hours each.  It's been tough at times.  It's been hectic at times.  I've dropped the ball a few times.  But 17 hours is similar to the course load I had in high school.  It's what I'm used to. I keeps me busy.  I'm happy with it.

Last night, I got to thinking about how much I'm hating taking Spanish during the regular semester.  The course is rather disorganized, due date and assignments are always changing, and don't even get me started on the stupid and dysfunctional online homework we have to do.  Spanish classes just require a lot more nitpicky attention than I'm able to give it during the normal semester, so I decided to take it during Summer session.  I like Summer session.  It keeps my brain functioning during the summer.

And the idea of taking fewer than 17 hours next semester was appealing to me.  Appealing like a bad biker boy or that extra slice of cake; like something I shouldn't do, but I'm going to do it anyway. Sure, I could continue this 17 hours thing.  OR, I could take less than 17 hours and have a little more time to myself. :)

But no Spanish until Summer left me at 13 hours next semester, which is just not a good number.  Sooooo, I decided to take ballet next semester to bump my hours up to the much luckier 14!  I took beginning ballet during Summer session this past summer and absolutely loved everything about it.  I'm super excited about taking intermediate next semester and getting to learn some more.  And oh my goodness, ballet is good exercise. That definitely doesn't hurt. :)

So to celebrate this new schedule and taking some more time for myself next semester, I leave you with this:

That's me....being a...graceful..ballerina...*sigh* See?  I really need more classes!

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