Saturday, November 26, 2011

An Appetizer

Hello, all! I know I've been rather MIA for the past few days. There's been family and holidays and a persistent little cold keeping me away. But I'm back! There's a new recipe post as well as a 5-in-1 photo challenge post headed your way! But to hold you over until then, here's another fun fill-in-the-blank quiz that I found on Little Mrs. Married! Think of it as a little appetizer for the posts to come :)

1. Waking up at the break of dawn to go shopping is my idea of HELL. I am absolutely not a morning person, I get claustrophobic and I get anxious. I'll go Black Friday shopping, but I wait until the last two hours that the mall is open to go. It's a lot calmer and, since I'm almost never shopping for some super in-demand item, I can still get everything I need.

2. If I were to go shopping today I would be on the hunt for either clothes or a new camera. I can never have enough clothes. But I'd like to get a nicer camera. The point and shoot that I have right now is fine, but it's kind of beat up and is starting to lose its focus abilities. I'd like a sturdier, more SLR-like camera. But a camera is such a big purchase for me that I'll spend forever researching options and never actually buy one.

3. The best thing I ate yesterday was Honey Baked Ham. That stuff is freaking delicious.

4. Something I've been learning lately is that I have to be honest with myself. And that it's ok to still be just as sad 5 weeks and 5 days later.

5. I cannot start my day without my allergy medicine. If I don't have my medicine in the morning, I will be miserable for at least 5 days after.

6. My nighttime attire consists of pj pants and an oversized comfy t-shirt or (depending on the weather and my mood) a nightgown.

7. I am looking forward to some baking I have planned for the near future and the auditions that I have in a couple of weeks. And the end of fall semester. And taking ballet and musical theater classes next semester. And owning a Shiba Inu and a Greyhound in the not so near future :)

How can you not love that face? :)

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