Monday, March 26, 2012

Farewell to Forum

The past few weeks have been insane to say the least.  Yesterday, I closed A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum at Baton Rouge Little Theater.  That show really surprised me.  To be honest, I went into the show just looking for my theater fix!  I hadn't done any theater in over a year and was starting to get a little twitchy.  But Forum turned out to be one of the top theater experiences of my life thus far.  I made so many amazing new friends and, with the help of those friends, experienced a lot of personal growth.  This cast truly kept all the drama onstage and just enjoyed being with each other offstage.  And you know what, guys?  I've been smiling so much these past few weeks, and it's all thanks to the wonderful people this show has brought into my life!

The wonderful ladies of the cast!  We had a ritual that we did before every show called TTA.  What does it stand for?  Well, that's our little secret!

The entire cast of Forum!

At the end of the final show, we had to do something called "strike," which basically means "tear the show down."  You clear out and clean the dressing rooms, put away the props, and tear the set down.  

Girl power!

Last time around!

Yesterday's strike was different from a regular strike in that in addition to tearing down the set, we had to strip the entire stage to prepare it for an upgrade. This included taking down the legs and the curtains and stripping all of the lights off of the fly rails.  Once everything was out of the theater, we all felt so small. 

Standing on the completely empty stage reminded me just how amazing theatre really is.  At it's heart, theatre is essentially a space, a person (or a group of people), and an idea.  You start there and it grows into something truly amazing that can take a person away from whatever is troubling them, even if it's just for a little bit.  I mean, how cool is that?

And theatre has a really neat way of bringing people together—people who probably never would have crossed paths otherwise.  But theatre brings them together and something just clicks.  Forum brought a wonderful person to me.  Blogosphere, meet Chris.

Chris was our drummer for Forum.
 He makes me happy.

I always feel sad at the end of a show–sad because I'll miss performing, I'll miss the characters, and because I'l miss the people.  But I didn't feel sadness yesterday.  I felt excited!  Yesterday may have been the end of Tintinabula and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.  But it's only the beginning of so many new and amazing friendships.  And I can't wait to see where those friendships take me!

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