Friday, March 2, 2012

Fill-In-The-Blank Friday

Sup, peepsters?  Once again, it is Friday, and once again,  I am so glad it is.  This week has been super busy.  I had a test and 2 assignments due this week, plus A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum rehearsals really started picking up.  The only time I got this week to just sit down and not do anything was the 15 minutes I had to stay at the doctor after getting a shot!  But "busy" doesn't mean "bad."  In fact, this was a good week!  And I haven't been able to say that in a very long time.  

So, without further ado, let's get to the fun! Time for....

Fill in the blanks on your own blog, then link up here!

1.  The highlight of my week was taking an impromptu trip to my alma mater, Baton Rouge High School, to visit the choir. Choir was a big part of my high school experience and I didn't realize until I got to college how much I took that for granted.  They have a very good program at Baton Rouge High, once that I think rivals most university choirs.  I didn't think I would miss it as much as I do, so it was really nice to go back for a quick visit and hear some of the stuff they're working on now.

2.  If I had to classify my interior design aesthetic, it would be broke college chic? Haha.  My apartment is pretty small right now and I'll only be there another year and a half, so I haven't really gotten much of a chance to spread my interior decorating wings.  But I think I've done well with what I've got.  It's homey and welcoming.

3.  My first vehicle was (and still is) a 2010 Pearl White Hyundai Sonata.  I love my car.  It's perfect for me and my style.  And it's got satellite radio :D.  I plan on driving this car until I can't get it out of the driveway anymore!

4.  An item I need to have in my day in order to function is chapstick!  I freak out if I don't have any chapstick with me.  I especially love the Eos Lip Sphere, but any brand will do.  Right now, I'm using one that was a promotional item from the COMD department at LSU. I got it for answering a question right in class :)

5.  My favorite way to waste time is in bed. Pajamas, laptop, and tv on.  Brain turned off.

6.  Right now I could really go for some Thin Mints.  Lucky for me, I have some :) 
Oh, and someone to carry me to bed.  Because right now I am so full from a huge dinner at Chimes East that I can't move.  *Reaches for another Thin Mint*

7.  This weekend, I will be in tech rehearsals for A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum at Baton Rouge Little Theater!  We really do have a great show and you definitely don't want to miss it! We open next Friday (March 9), but we also have a Pay-What-You-Can Performance the Thursday before.

Have a good weekend!  Get some rest for me!

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