Sunday, November 27, 2011


I have quite a bit of catch-up to do on the 30 Day Photo Challenge.  Silly holidays got in the way of my picture taking.  I promise it won't happen again :)  And no, of course I don't have my fingers crossed behind my back...

So, let's get started.

Day 16: What I Ate

I completely forgot to take pictures of my food on Day 16.  So instead, I'll show you what I made for breakfast on Thanksgiving morning!

Pumpkin pancakes—another Pinterest recipe!  I would give you the recipe, but I want to try to make them one more time before I do.  They tasted great, but the texture was kind of off.  They were kind of heavy and didn't rise at all.  I'm not sure if that's due to a problem with the recipe or to the fact that our baking powder wasn't as fresh as it could have been.  Once I've tried it with newer baking powder, I'll let you know if the recipe is one worth sharing :)

Day 17: On the Shelf!

I love my bookshelf!  It's so nice and neat and organized!
Top Shelf:  Most of the books that I keep at my apartment.  I have waay more at home.  There's also a picture of my parents at the beach and a piece of driftwood that I found on a walk with my mom my last morning at the beach this year.  On top of the bookshelf is a picture of the 2008 cast and crew of Dracula at Baton Rouge Little Theater and a picture of all of the winners from the 2010 BRLT Beaux Arts Ball—the year I won Best Supporting Actress in a Play!
The next two shelves:  My DVDs (This is the majority of my DVD collection) and a picture of my grandparents.  The lower shelf holds my the entire series of Gilmore Girls and Lost on DVD.  The picture is of my friend Ronald and I.  The picture is from the Baton Rouge Little Theater's 2010 production of Private Lives in which Ronald played my husband.
And the bottom two shelves:  The top shelf holds my books that are too tall to stand up (including the Lost Encyclopedia, The Paddington Treasury, The Annotated Alice in Wonderland, Apartment Therapy, and a book about lefties that my mom got me at a garage sale), Scrabble Slam and Phase 10 card games, a brick from the beach house that my family went to every year until Hurricane Ivan destroyed it and my photo album.  The bottom shelf holds extra notebooks, all of my music and my textbooks.

Congratulations! You are now an expert in my bookshelf!  I'm always really interested in things like what other people keep on their bookshelves and in their kitchens and on their walls.  I think it's a really neat glimpse into someone's life that can tell you a lot about them.

Day 18: In My Bag

This is another thing that really fascinates me—what other women keep in their purses.  Sometimes it inspires me to keep my purse neater; sometimes it makes me feel slightly less psycho when I see that other women's purses are just as black hole-ish as mine seems to be. 

At this very moments, the contents of my purse include:
A headband, assorted medicines, contacts lens drops, glucose tablets, lip balm, lip gloss, lip stick, a CVS receipt, a pen, my eyeglasses, two packets of tissues, my iPhone, my iPod, earbuds, a compact mirror, my sunglasses, iPhone charger, wallet, various coupons, a tin of Altoids and a pack of gum.  

Normally my keys would be in there too.  I know it seems like a ton of stuff, but it's all essential, I promise!  And my purse is deceptively huge.  It may seem like a lot of stuff, but once you put it in my purse there's still a ton of room left.

Day 19: Where I Slept

Okay, this isn't actually where I slept on Day 19.  I actually slept at my parent's house.  But my bed at my parent's house is messy and has mismatched sheets and blankets.  My apartment bed, on the other hand, is nice and neat with color coordinated comforter, quilt and pillows.  You would have chosen to post the apartment bed too :)

This also gives me the chance to show off one of my favorite things in my room: my framed poster of Georges Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte.  Have you seen Stephen Sondheim's Sunday in the Park with George?  You really should, especially if you're an artist, performer, musician, etc.  If you've seen that musical, you'll understand why I love that painting so much.

And finally, today's picture!  Day 20: What I Read

I don't have time to read any sort of "for myself" book.  All I have time for is textbooks.  I know, sad.  But I do have a list of books I'm planning to read once school is out including The King's Speech and Jaycee Dugard's memoir.  But until then, all of my "for fun" reading is in blog form.  So today, I'll share a few of my favorite blogs with you!

First off is my friend Mel who writes Little Mrs. Married!  Mel is always so sweet and optimistic and funny and her blog is so cute!  I also get some cute blog ideas from her, like those fill-in-the-blanks!

Next is Marriage Confessions!  I have not personally met Katie, who writes it, but I bet if we were to meet, we would get along swimmingly!  She writes about her marriage, her children, her difficulties with baking, her family, everything!  And she's a fellow redhead!  She's really honest about her life and seems to have very similar viewpoints to mine when it comes to things like parenting (I know, I'm no where near that point yet!  But I want to be ready and it's never to early to have opinions about that kind of thing in my opinion!).  I've been reading blogs and articles about parenting lately because I'll be working a lot with parents in my future work as an Early Intervention SLP and I think it's important to try to understand as best I can all of these aspects of parenting and the decisions that parents have to make and what goes into those thought processes, especially because the children I'll be working with are so young (Birth to 3). I feel like I get a lot of insight into that on Katie's blog.  

Next is Bakerella!  Like I've mentioned before, I discovered how much I love the kitchen once I moved into my apartment and I'm working of "re-discovering" that love.  Bakerella is adorable and is the master of Cake Pops (which I will be making in the next couple of weeks!).  And she has so many cute recipes that I'm dying to try!

And finally, PostSecret! If you've been living under a rock and have never heard of PostSecret, the basic concept is that people from all over the world write their secret on a post card and anonymously mail it to Frank Warren, the man behind Post Secret.  Every Sunday, he posts a handful of secrets on the PostSecret website.  PostSecret is more therapeutic than anything else.  We all have our secrets, things we only tell those we are most close to (or maybe not even them).  They may be tiny and seem insignificant, or they may be huge and painful to carry around.  I've never sent a physical postcard to Frank, but I have posted on the PostSecret app and it's very releasing to just put your secret out there for everyone to see.  And I've on more than one occasion come across my own secret on written in someone else's handwriting.  If you haven't been to PostSecret, you really should check it out!

Well, there you have it!  Now that Thanksgiving has passed, I should do a lot better about keeping up with this photo challenge!  That is, until Christmas madness kicks in...
My dad and I put up the Christmas tree in my apartment today.  Holiday Spirit has been hard to come by for me this year, but I must admit that I felt a twinge of some sort of spirit as we decorated the tree.

And this is just a picture of my cats because they were getting along for once and eating peacefully next to each other.  A rare occurrence for these kitties.

That's all (for tonight), folks!  Enjoy the last few hours of your Thanksgiving holiday (if you got one) and have a great Monday (if there is such a thing...)!

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