Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bloggity Bloggity Blog

Tonight, I am cooking myself dinner for the first time in a month and a half.  Nothing fancy, but I figure it's a step up from the Beef Ramen and buttered pasta I've been making for myself.

Tonight I'm making Ranch Chicken.   It's super simple.  So simple, in fact that even though I haven't looked at the recipe since I stumbled across it 6 weeks ago, I was still able to make it.  I took half of a chicken breast, put it in a gallon ziploc bag with some ranch dressing and smooshed it around so that it was coated.  I would have shown you pictures, but ranch dressing is one of those foods that, as tasty as it can be, can look kind of disgusting. Then I transferred the chicken into another gallon ziploc bag with some Italian style bread crumbs and shook it around until it was completely coated.  Put it on a greased cookie sheet, spray it with some Olive Oil spray and put it in a 350 degree oven. 30 minutes later, you have safe-to-consume chicken!

It turned out good enough.  It wasn't as flavorful as I expected it to be and I'm not sure if I like the flavor that the breadcrumbs add.  I may try it again and let the chicken "marinade" in the dressing for a few hours and then use Panko breadcrumbs instead of Italian breadcrumbs.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?  I am fed and I took a step and ventured out of the microwave for the first time in a while. I'm proud of that.  And that's all the really matters, right?

On a completely unrelated note, this cold I'm recovering from has left my Diet Coke tasting like Pepsi.  Cold, you have crossed the line! I am not pleased.

Enough of that! Now it's time for Day 22, Trees!

This picture was taken during my junior year of high school.  My choir took a trip to Spain to sing in several cathedrals.  This picture was from the first night.  We spent 13-ish hours on a plane and then drove 10 more hours to our first city, Sevilla.  We were exhausted and jet lagged, but somehow found the energy to walk around the city for a bit once we arrived.  This tree was near our hotel and was huge!  We never figured out what kind of tree it was, but it was big enough that there was no way we could get a picture of the whole tree or even the whole trunk.  Cool tree.  Cool tree.

And now I leave you with a song I've been listening to a lot lately.  My goodness, I love the Ben Folds Pandora station and the artists it introduces me too.

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