Friday, December 9, 2011

She's Back!

Hello interwebz!  After a busy week, I am back and blogging!

My finals schedule was rough this year.  I had one on Wednesday, THREE on Thursday, and one today. Luckily, the highest grade I needed to make on any of the finals was and 82. I've gotten 2 grades back so far....A's!  Woohoo!

To keep myself sane this week, I baked and made cake pops!  The process is such that I could spread it out over the course of the week.  I would explain it to you, but every time I make them people go so nuts over them that I like to "keep it a secret recipe" (even though all you have to do is google "How to make cake pops" to learn how to make them...but you didn't hear that from me).  I've made cake balls before and have really been wanting to try to make them as pops, but haven't really had an excuse to make them until now! Tonight was the opening night of A Christmas Carol at Baton Rouge Little Theater!  I'm not going to get a chance to go see the show, which I feel guilty about because I know and love several people involved in it.  So I decided to make up some cake pops to send over as an opening night treat!  I thought the "pops" part would also be better for a theater group because they would be less messy to eat than cake balls (less risk for chocolate on costumes).  I think they turned out really great!  I hope the cast/crew/creative team enjoyed them!

 I wrapped an old box in some Christmas wrapping paper to make a more festive container :)

I'm so happy with how they turned out! And I got to see a couple of friends that I hadn't seen in a long time when I delivered them tonight, which was a great plus!

I als0 got a chance to celebrate the end of finals with my family tonight!  My grandfather's birthday was in October and my parent's promised him a steak dinner for it!  But schedules are hectic and life is crazy and we didn't get a chance.  So tonight, my parents, my grandfather and I went out for an end of finals/Birthday dinner at Ruth's Chris Steak House! Yum!  And it was a great excuse to dress up!

We started off with crab stuffed mushrooms:

The for the main course I had the Top Sirloin with a baked potato:

And then I finished off with cheesecake, the leftovers of which are waiting for me in my fridge!  That will be a nice treat for tomorrow :)

I'm a cheesecake purist.  Don't put anything on it! Just give it to me plain! 

It was a fantastic dinner!  Everyone deserves a Ruth's Chris dinner every now and then!

So what's up next for me now that this semester is over?  Well, this weekend I am excited about getting a manicure (I really need one), getting some laundry done (I'm running out of clean underwear) , going shoe shopping (Hooray for DSW Rewards Certificates!) and getting started on playing Zelda: Twilight Princess (It's been sitting on my shelf mocking me for over a week)! I'll also try to pick up the 30 Day Photo Challenge again tomorrow.  And then on Sunday, I have auditions for Almost, Maine at Baton Rouge Little Theater, which I'm both really excited and really nervous about!  I haven't done any theater in about a year, so I'm excited to do any sort of acting, even an audition!  But I'm also nervous because I haven't done it for so long and I really want to do this show!  Fingers crossed that it goes well!

It feels so good to have this semester and finals over and done with!  It feels so great to be able to go to bed without any school work hanging over my head!

Speaking of going to bed...I think it's time for me to say goodnight! So....Goodnight!

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