Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Emily After Dark

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 27: After Dark

I gotta tell you guys, after dark is when I really let loose.

I get home from work.  I kick off my shoes.  I hang up my coat.  I slip off my work clothes and on come the pajamas!

I open a Caffeine Free Diet Coke, plug in my laptop, and turn on Gilmore Girls.  I crawl into bed, and pretty soon the silly faces start.

The sleepier I get, the sillier the faces get

I browse Pinterest and read blogs and eat Sweet Tarts candy canes.  

And then, when this episode of Gilmore Girls is over, I'll play Zelda: Twilight Princess for a while (speaking of, does anyone know where I can find a fishing pole?) watch some Whose Line Is It Anyway?, say my prayers, and drift into a peaceful sleep where I'll dream about the McDonald's cheeseburger that I plan to eat for dinner tomorrow. Mmm...Cheeseburger....

I am really enjoying this "No school" thing.  No stress, no anxiety.  Just me, my comfy bed, and all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls.  And Zelda. And Pinterest.  And some of that leftover cheesecake from Ruth's Chris.  Tonight is my last chance for a night like this for a while and I am loving every minute of it.  Some people need wild parties and bars to keep them entertained.  Not me.  Just give me a pair of pajamas and an evening by myself.  I'll be happier than a bunny with a carrot.  

And because last nights post was a bit heavy, I am going to leave you with a meaningless little survey:

Who will you be sleeping with tonight? 
Lots of pillows.

What are you going to do tomorrow?
Work and (if I'm really good) McDonalds.

When do you plan on having kids or your next kid? 
I've always wanted to be a young mom, so I was hoping in my 20s, maybe around 27?  But that's not looking very likely.

Do you know a secret about your last ex that would embarrass them? 
I don't think so.  He never seemed to get embarrassed.  That was something I really admired about him. Still do.  It doesn't take much to make me blush.

Can you use chopsticks? 
Well enough to eat sushi without looking like a total goon.

How old were you when you lost your first tooth? 
7 or 8-ish?  I really don't remember.

Were you a hyper or mellow kid?
I've always been pretty mellow.

Why did you throw up last? 
Because my stomach made me.

What are you excited for? 
Callbacks for Almost, Maine on Thursday night.  I love any bit of theater I can get.

What's for dinner? 
Tonight, I had a turkey wrap from Jason's Deli, same thing I had last night.  The woman at the register remembered my order and everything.  It was kind of embarrassing.

Ever been to the Statue of Liberty? 
I have been on the Staten Island Ferry which gives you a great view of the Statue of Liberty.

How many e-mail addresses do you have? 
Two. One just for school, another that I made in 8th grade that embarrasses me every time I have to give it to the woman at the Ann Taylor Loft register.

Do you HAVE to have brand name stuff?
I try to buy generic most of the time (but I will buy name brand if it truly is a better product).

Do you like Oreos?
I adore oreos.

What was the last ice cream flavor you ate? 
Vanilla with Chocolate Syrup from Jason's.  I love vanilla ice cream :)

What color is your car? 
Pearl White.

Got a boyfriend?
I don't like this question.

How many siblings do you have?

Ever been abused?

Are you on drugs?

Do you know anyone on drugs?
Not that I'm aware of.

How many kids do you want?

Were is your home town?
Baton Rouge. 

Ever had something serious happen to you or a close friend?

Do you get along with your extended family?
For the most part, yes.

How many cousins do you have?

Who are you closer to your mom or dad?
Equally close to both.

Are your parents married?

Do you have step parents?

Name 5 people that mean the world to you?
I have to choose only 5?! I can't do that. 
Mom, Dad, Brother, Grandfather, a few friends, and a person I can't have anymore.

Name one person you could never live without?
"I've pretty much promised God I'll choose to live no matter who I do or do not have.."
I really like the answer that my friend who took this before me put, so I'm copying her :) 

Favorite color?

Do you have an ipod?
I do.  It's purple :)

Do you have a phone?
Permanently attached to my hand.

If so who was your last text message from?

Has anyone close to you ever died?

Have you ever been dumped?

Have you ever dumped someone?
No. (Note: There is a big difference between breaking up with someone and dumping them.  Breaking up implies that respect was shown.)

Have you ever seen someone just before they died?

If you could go anywhere right now were would it be and who would you take?
Does the person have to be willing?  And would we have to pay to get into Disney World?

If you could change anything right now what would it be?
I think I've made this pretty obvious on my blog for the past 8 weeks.

Have you ever cried because you were laughing so hard?
Several times.  I haven't in a while though.

Have you ever cried because you were sad and not because you hurt yourself?
Yes. A lot.  I'm learning that it's ok to cry even when everyone else thinks it's time to stop.

How old will you be this year?
Turned 20 this year.  Next year will be the big 2-1. Yay?

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