Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blast From The Past

Guess who's back! Miss me? :)  I can't really say that I've sorted out my personal issues. But I've gotten to a place where I'm not letting them completely consume me.  I'm learning to live with them and be patient, which means back to blogging for me! I know you must be thrilled :P

In the time that I've been gone, I've "upgraded" my Facebook to timeline.  I'm still not sure what I think about it.  I actually really like the way it looks.  And it's convenient because it takes Facebook stalking to a whole new level of convenience (Kidding!...Kind of....)  But that means it makes it that much easier to Facebook stalk ME! If I had met 2007, 2008, 2009 Emily today, I would have driven myself crazy.  I can't help but cringe at some of the things I said when I was younger.

Thanks to this new timeline feature, I recently came across the notes section of my Facebook profile, which I had neglected since high school.  There, I found the gold mine of Self-Indulgent-High-School Emily.  I've done a couple of surveys on here, but I did them on Facebook all the time in high school.  Going back and reading these surveys felt weird.  Some of my responses made me cringe, some of them made me laugh, and some of them made me realize how much has changed in my life since high school.

Here, for your reading pleasure, are a few of my favorite survey questions and responses that I came across–Emily's Greatest Hits: High School Edition!

From 2009
What is your greatest hope/wish?
That I find my glasses.

Which of your friends lives closest to you? 
Rodney, the friendly ghost.
Note: Rodney is the ghost of Baton Rouge Little Theater.

Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m., who do you want it to be? 
A Papa Johns delivery boy. Preferably a cute one. With pizza. 

Would you rather be called 'baby' or 'hunny?'
"Baby." "Hunny" is what you get called in the McDonald's drive-thru.

Have you ever met someone who is incredible?
I only associate with incredible people.
That makes me sound like such a witch with a B, I know.

If the last person you kissed tried to kiss you again, would you start kissing them back?
I honestly don't know. Common sense would say "Slap them and demand answers. But, I'm not always a logical thinker."
I've come full circle.

Who was the first person to break your heart?
I'm lucky that I haven't have to deal with that yet. But it's bound to happen eventually.
This one makes me laugh a really bitter, cynical, I-really-want-to-cry kind of laugh.

 Whats the closest thing to you that is red? 
A coke can. 
Actually I moved it so I wouldn't seem gluttonous.
Sooo, CDs.

Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? 
Yeah. He's rich! We'd probably go somewhere fancy and it would be soo rude of him not to pay.

 Are you too forgiving? 
I'm either way too forgiving or way too stubborn
I still haven't figured out which one I am.

What are your plans for the day?
Spaghetti and Meatballs.

 What's your biggest secret?
I'm the one who cursed the Hope Diamond.

What are you?
A mongoose.

 Describe your life in one word.
Varying. If something bad happens, Matthew Broderick is my constant.

If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?

 Do you speak any other language?
I'm fluent in Ubbi Dubbi. Remember? That secret language they had on the show Zoom? I totally mastered it.

I can still speak it :)

Do you want someone dead?
Necrophilia's not my style.

What would you do if someone smacked your butt?
Eh, I'm used to it.

When I wake up in the morning....
I curse the world. Then I pee.

Who was the last person you told a secret to?
I do theatre. I have no secrets.

What pisses you off a whole lot?
Rude audiences.

From 2008
Your thoughts first waking up today :
Sun. Must. Die.
I stil think this every single morning.

When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
After seeing Twilight.
I was Twilight obsessed in the second half of 2008.  Then I saw the movie...

 Favourite Drinks (list 3): 
Argh! I miss my caffeine.  I've had to cut it out lately :(

In single words (not sentences) describe your personality: 
...I'm to sleepy to do that.
Oh! There's one!


What’s your favourite Shakespeare play?
Much Ado About Nothing.

Sad, sad confession: I remember absolutely nothing about this play. Time to pull out my No fear Shakespeare, I guess?

Do you have empty alcohol bottles hidden anywhere?
No. You recycle those, silly!
I actually never had an empty alcohol bottles to hide, but you can't let everyone know that when you're in high school! 

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