Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Collegiate Weight Battle

Before I moved on campus and started my first semester at LSU, my weight was the lowest it had ever been. I didn't realize it then, but that was so unfair. Here I was with what was probably the best body I'll ever have and I only got to enjoy it for about a month before I was forced onto the college diet. As soon as I feel pretty great about the way I look, it is snatched away from me by Papa John's, Taco Bell, Quiznos, McDonald's and the cafeterias.

I noticed weight gain almost immediately, which freaked me out. I was really heavy when I was younger and even though I lost about 30 pounds through Weight Watchers, I never lost that weight anxiety. And that anxiety is running in full force now that my only options are fast food and things fried/covered in fat/covered in butter at the cafeterias.

So, I started tracking. I found this really great free app on my iPhone called My Fitness Pal. It's a daily calorie/nutrition tracker that gives you a daily caloric intake goal based on how much you weigh, how much you want to weigh, and how fast you want to lose it. And it's got a huge database of foods. It's, in my opinion, the perfect wight loss aid.

Except I have the self control of someone with very little self control and keep forgetting to update it. So here's where this blog comes in. I discovered a new feature on the website today: the weight loss ticker. So from now on, this ticker will be at the bottom of all of my blog posts. Maybe if know my readers (I recently discovered the stats section of Blogger, there are actually a few of you out there!) can see how much I am (or am not) losing, that will keep me motivated to keep track. My fear of judgement will remind me that I cannot get of track!!

Once again, I'm not sure if any of what I just wrote makes sense, but it is what it is. I'm fat. I want to not be fat. I'm bringing my blog into the equation.

The journey begins:

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

And if anyone says "Why don't you try excercising?" I might have to cyber slap you. If I had time to do something other than study and sleep, don't you think I might have tried incorporating more exercise into my routine?!

We...maybe not. But still, don't you dare mention it!

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