Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, Friday

Happy Autumnal Equinox!  Did you know that today we will have equal hours of sunlight and darkness?  Well, now you do.  And your life is much better because of it, isn't it?

It is finally Friday! And I, for one, couldn't be happier!  This week has dragged on slower than a snail carrying a pebble.  I don't know why.  Perhaps it was because I had three tests?  Or perhaps it was because I was waiting all week to get the iPhone 5 today?

Yes.  This morning, I woke up at 6 and drove to the store to be one of those people who wakes up really early and goes to wait in line for a phone.  And you know what?  It really wasn't a bad experience at all.  The people in line around me were nice.  The store employees were passing out free water bottles and donuts.  I got to do a little reading for school.  And by 8:30, I was leaving the store with my shiny new iPhone 5!  Hallelujah!  My 3GS took a little rise through the spin cycle of my washing machine a few weeks ago, so I've been using my 1st Generation.  I was so ready to upgrade.

Y'all.  It's awesome.  And that's all I'm going to say about it because this is not a blog post about the iPhone. It is.....

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1) Something I am very proud of is the fact that I've gotten myself running again.  I really have surprised myself with the awesome things I can do if I just get off my butt and do them. 

2) My favorite thing about myself is my hair color.  I inherited it from my grandmother and it reminds me of her daily.

3) My favorite color for fall is deep purple.   Really, I just love purple.

4) Something I've been learning lately is sign language.  I'm taking a course at school in manual communication, and part of that class is learning signs so that we can sign in English word order. This is different from American Sign Language.  ASL is a completely different language.  This class is making me really excited about using sign in my therapy in the future.

5) My favorite Pandora station is the Ben Folds stations for music and the Louis C.K station for long car rides.

6) This weekend, I will rest, rehearse, and study.  Tomorrow, I have a 12 hour tech rehearsal for The Importance of Being Earnest.  I'll hopefully be able to use downtime during that rehearsal to study for the test I have next Thursday. I've got another rehearsal on Sunday evening.  I'm hoping I'll be able to use all my non-rehearsal time to rest.  But before that, I'm having a baking night with my roommate tonight!

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