Friday, January 7, 2011

A New Year

The holidays are over. Brother has gone back to New York. I've had a few quiet days to think. And by "think," I mean watch movie and tv shows on Netflix Instant Watch and play Mario Kart Wii. But as I was climbing into bed at 3:00 this morning, I started to think about what I promised myself I would do last year and what I want to accomplish this year. Here's what I came up with:

Resolution for 2010: Start/Maintain a Blog

I kind of/sort of accomplished this. I thought it was the best way to keep record of what was bound to be a big year. I started a blog on New Year's Day, but I made the mistake of expecting myself to update it regularly. And I found that the only times I wanted to write, I couldn't write on the blog because the things I was dealing with were too personal. Around September, I deleted all of the old posts on the blog, started over, and vowed not to take it too seriously. I think I've kept with it pretty well since. So let's go ahead and call this one accomplished.

Resolutions for 2011: Keep a Journal

For Christmas, I got what I call my Twitter journal. It's a five year journal with a page for every day of the year. On each page are 5 spaces for you to write a little blurb about the day. I love it because it's easy to keep up with, but there's not enough space to write any deep thoughts or anything. I've tried journaling in the past, but I find it difficult to keep with it (Literally! journals are so easy to lose! I'm hesitant to write my private thoughts down in a book that someone could easily swipe and read). So, I Google searched for online journals and found . For free, I can get a basic online journal that isn't visible to the public. I can even password protect it every time I leave it and set it to send me e-mails to remind me to write. It looks promising. I hope I can keep up with it. 2011 is going to be a tough year and I'm going to need an outlet like a journal to keep me sane.

Get Better at Mario Kart on Wii: This one's just for fun, but there are some people that I would like to be able to beat on Mario Kart races :)

Don't Stress Eat: Bad habit. It makes me fat. That's bad.

And my cat is looking at me with eyes that say "Don't forget me!" So let's add "Pay More Attention to my Cat, Misty"

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