Monday, November 8, 2010

It's Cold.

I'm in the office I work in. Jeans, boots, long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt. I'm freezing.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad the cold weather is here, but shouldn't we keep it outside?! I think hot chocolate is in order. Hot chocolate with marshmallows and a super heavy, but soft blanket on a huge, comfy bed and a fireplace with a dog sleeping in front of it and a Christmas movie and someone to watch it with and.......

Please excuse me, I just zoned out a bit thinking about how wonderful that sounds.

Speaking of Christmas movies, I broke down and watched one this weekend. The Santa Clause 2. Not a particularly good Christmas movie, but Elizabeth Mitchell (who played Juliet on LOST, may she and it rest in peace) is in it, which for me is reason enough to watch it. I'm going to *try* to save the good ones until the real Christmas season starts after Thanksgiving.

Gah! I'm ready for Thanksgiving/Christmas now! No school, warm houses, cookies, decorations, Christmas trees, fuzzy socks, mashed potatoes, and..............

I'm sorry, I believe I just zoned out again.

Before I make myself too depressed thinking about how long I have to wait for all of these wonderful things, I think I'll close out this post with my top 5 favorite Christmas movies (or at least my top five today, November 8, 2010 at 9:14 AM).

Emily's top Five Favorite Christmas Movies:

5) How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

FIrst of all, how can you not love Dr. Seuss's "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." Fuzzy green curmudgeon feels left out and calls it hate for Christmas; tries to ruin Christmas and in turn finds its true meaning; heart grows three sizes; the end. And (though I know some people who will probably think less of me for admitting this) I am a Jim Carey fan. And the colors are just so gosh darned pretty!

4) The Santa Clause (1994)

This is the first Christmas movie I remember. I own it on VHS. My mom and I watch it in the kitchen while making Christmas cookies. And as is true with almost all sequels, the first movie is the best.

3) The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

I shouldn't even have to explain why this is on my list.

2) A Christmas Story

It's a classic. This movie is so perfect that TNT dedicates a solid twenty-four hours to it on Christmas Day. And it's so quotable. "Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra!" "C-Plus?!" "You'll shoot your eye out!" My brother and I caught the blue ball joke for the first time last year. Haven't caught it yet? It's there, you'll find it. But you can only watch this movie on TNT on Christmas Day. To watch it on any other day is sacrilege.

And my number one favorite Christmas movie of all time is........!

1) The Polar Express (2004)

My. Absolute. Favorite. And I'll tell you why.

When I was younger, my family had a Christmas Eve tradition. I would leave out the cookies and milk for Santa and my mother would read me two stories. The first story was an old pop-up book of "Twas the Night Before Christmas." The second story was "The Polar Express" by Chris Van Allsburg. "The Polar Express" is the reason I asked Santa for a bell from Prancers sleigh every year. I saw the movie "The Polar Express around 2006 (I think) when it was ABC Family's Christmas movie one weekend. I watched it every time it aired that weekend.
This movie captures the book perfectly. It makes me laugh. It makes me cry. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It makes me feel Christmas.

Have a Merry Monday! 17 days until Thanksgiving! 47 days until Christmas!

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