Thursday, March 29, 2012

Love That Dog

Hunter's had a rough week.

My family's had a rough week too.  

First of all, I would like to thank all of my Twitter followers who prayed for my family and for Hunter this week.  

In the simplest of terms, Hunter had a mess in his G.I. Tract.  Anyone who's taken an intro Biology class knows what the G.I. Tract is responsible for, so I won't go into the detail of his symptoms.  My parents noticed that something was wrong with Hunter last week.  My mother, a veterinarian, had an idea of what might be wrong and began treatment for it.  However, the treatment didn't work and Hunter's condition weakened.  My parent's began to suspect something worse was afoot.  I was busy with school and theater while this was going on, but on Monday, my dad called me, explained the situation, and suggested that I go home to see Hunter while I still could.  At the time, Hunter was still comfortable and content, but his condition was deteriorating.  He was weak and fatigued, his appetite was practically zero, and the spark was gone from his eye.  I spent the entire afternoon lying on the kitchen floor next to Hunter while he slept.  I just wanted to be with him when I still could.  When I left that afternoon, I said, "Goodbye," like it would be the last one.  

Misty napped next to Hunter a litte on Monday afternoon.  These two have a special bond and she knew something was wrong.

We had two options.  One was to keep him as comfortable as possible and let nature run its course.  The moment we thought he was in any pain or discomfort, we would put him to sleep.  Hunter has been too wonderful of a dog and we love him too dearly to keep him in pain just for our sake.  The other option was to open him up and see what was in his abdomen.  Hunter is a very old dog and whatever was in there left him weak and anemic, so surgery was risky.  If my mom found something so catastrophic that it had spread and couldn't be removed or if she found cancer, she would put him to sleep right on the operating table.  Once again, we love him too much to make him endure that pain for our sake.  My father and I ultimately left the choice up to my mom, who was by far the most knowledgeable.  When it comes to my animals, I have complete faith in my mom and I would never doubt her actions or opinions.

We decided to try the surgery.  So, on Tuesday afternoon and through the night, Hunter received a blood transfusion to prepare him.  We are so incredibly grateful for a co-worker of my mothers who offered to donate blood from her dog, who is a universal donor, to Hunter.  I came home again on Tuesday night to spend more time with Hunter.  

Yes, that's part of Hunter's blood transfusion.  The bag was still too cool to give it to him, so I warmed it up on my stomach. :)

At one point, I just lied next to Hunter and listened to his snore.  It broke my heart to think that could be the last time I heard it.

We weren't hopeful about the surgery, so once again, when I left that night, I said my "goodbyes" like they would be our last.

I don't think I stopped praying for a single second on Wednesday.  I can't even tell you specifically what I prayed for.  On one hand, I just wanted him to survive the surgery.  On the other, I just didn't want him to hurt. I think I just prayed for his protection and for God to watch over my mom and the vet that would be assisting her with the surgery.  I was attached to my phone all day waiting to hear word. 

At 3:22 pm, my prayers were answered.  Hunter survived the surgery.  When I got to see Hunter on Wednesday night, I was just so grateful.  I had said final goodbyes to Hunter 2 nights in a row, but he was still with us.  This dog doesn't give up! And I'm so glad we didn't either.  

We're still not out of the woods, though.  While we hope we found the problem, it's possible that there could be something else lurking in Hunter's abdomen that's causing trouble.  We're kind of in the "Hurry up and wait" phase now.  Hopefully, we'll see improvement in Hunter's condition and demeanor over the next several days.  If we don't...well....I guess we'll worry about that if we get there. But for the time being, I'm remembering not to take anyone for granted.  Not my friends, not my family, and especially not Hunter.  Your pets are part of your family and I almost lost an important member of my family this week.  I may still lose him in the coming days.  But I don't want to think about that right now.  All I want to think about is making the most out of the time I have left with him, no matter how much time that may be.  

Hunter is the dog of hope!

If you have a pet, be it a dog, cat, fish, turtle, snack, raccoon, or rock, give them some love today.  I think we sometimes forget just how special they are until we almost lose them.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Farewell to Forum

The past few weeks have been insane to say the least.  Yesterday, I closed A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum at Baton Rouge Little Theater.  That show really surprised me.  To be honest, I went into the show just looking for my theater fix!  I hadn't done any theater in over a year and was starting to get a little twitchy.  But Forum turned out to be one of the top theater experiences of my life thus far.  I made so many amazing new friends and, with the help of those friends, experienced a lot of personal growth.  This cast truly kept all the drama onstage and just enjoyed being with each other offstage.  And you know what, guys?  I've been smiling so much these past few weeks, and it's all thanks to the wonderful people this show has brought into my life!

The wonderful ladies of the cast!  We had a ritual that we did before every show called TTA.  What does it stand for?  Well, that's our little secret!

The entire cast of Forum!

At the end of the final show, we had to do something called "strike," which basically means "tear the show down."  You clear out and clean the dressing rooms, put away the props, and tear the set down.  

Girl power!

Last time around!

Yesterday's strike was different from a regular strike in that in addition to tearing down the set, we had to strip the entire stage to prepare it for an upgrade. This included taking down the legs and the curtains and stripping all of the lights off of the fly rails.  Once everything was out of the theater, we all felt so small. 

Standing on the completely empty stage reminded me just how amazing theatre really is.  At it's heart, theatre is essentially a space, a person (or a group of people), and an idea.  You start there and it grows into something truly amazing that can take a person away from whatever is troubling them, even if it's just for a little bit.  I mean, how cool is that?

And theatre has a really neat way of bringing people together—people who probably never would have crossed paths otherwise.  But theatre brings them together and something just clicks.  Forum brought a wonderful person to me.  Blogosphere, meet Chris.

Chris was our drummer for Forum.
 He makes me happy.

I always feel sad at the end of a show–sad because I'll miss performing, I'll miss the characters, and because I'l miss the people.  But I didn't feel sadness yesterday.  I felt excited!  Yesterday may have been the end of Tintinabula and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.  But it's only the beginning of so many new and amazing friendships.  And I can't wait to see where those friendships take me!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Yesterday Was Thursday

Today it is FRIDAY!
We, we, we so exhausted.  But there's no time for exhaustion.  It's time for...

Answer the question in your own blog then link up at Five Crooked Halos.

1. Will you run to the store or to pick up a kid looking a mess?
I'm not running to pick kids up yet, but I look a mess 90% of the time that I go to the store.  If I look awful and disgusting, it ensures that I'll run into somebody I know, because that's just how my life works. 

2. Do you finish a book if it's boring or you don't like it?
My OCD side really wants to finish it.  But if it's that bad, I'll put it down and never get around to picking it up again.  I have so little free time that when I do get a chance to read, I want it to be something I really enjoy.

3.  Beach or mountain vacations?
Beach, beach, BEACH!

4.  What thing or event says "Winter will end and spring is right around the corner" to you?
In South Louisiana, you never really know what the weather is going to do.  We've had a particularly warm winter and there have been several times this year that I've thought we had seen the last of any cold weather only for the temperature to drop the one day I don't check the weather and wear shorts to school.  
I guess I would consider winter over when I can don't need to wear a sweatshirt outside to stay comfortable the majority of the week or when I it's warm enough to wear shorts the majority of the week.

5.  Would you prefer couples or family vacation?
Now, when you use the plural tense "couples," do you mean multiple couples vacationing together?   Or do you mean going on a vacation with an significant other?  If we're talking about multiple couples, I'd rather go on a family vacation.  But if we're just talking about a S.O., I can't really say because I've never been on a vacation of that sort.  But as I'm growing older, I'm learning to appreciate my family vacations more and more.  I've got a pretty awesome family and I sometimes take them for granted.  So I'd probably still choose family.  Plus, if it's serious enough with the S.O. that we're taking vacations together, he would probably be considered part of the family enough to get to come along on family vacations. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hump Day

I absolutely adore being in shows at the Baton Rouge Little Theater, but my goodness—After tech week and opening weekend, you definitely learn to appreciate your nights off even more.

Speaking of theater, did any of you Baton Rougeans see the awesome review for A Funny Thing Happened to the Forum in this morning's Advocate?  If you didn't happen to see it or you don't live in Baton Rouge, no worries!  You can read the review here.

Now, let's get to the main reason we have gathered here today.  It's time for.....

Post your favorite Pins and link up at The Vintage Apple!

This is on my to-do list for tonight!

The scary thing about rock bottom is that life tricks you into thinking you've hit it, but then you fall even further.  So you never quite know where you are.

Ha.  Ha ha.


This is so adorable!

I'm so excited that it's getting warm enough to wear cute outfits like this again!  Now, if only I had cute outfits like this...

Looove this.

This is on my list of things to try in my crock pot.

And I might have to try to make these for the cast and crew of Forum.

That's an interesting way of thinking about it.

I kind of feel like this elephant right now.